Minister for Education, Science and Technology, Giriraj Mani Pokhrel, has said negative impact of radiation need to be minimized. Minister Pokhrel said it at a workshop on ‘Present status of the source of atomic radiation and technology: need and challenges’ in Nepal’ here Tuesday.
Some radiation can be seen while some cannot, so its effect on human life should be reduced, he said, adding, "Safe use of radiation can be developed in the sector of industry, agriculture and health. Along with this, regulatory mechanism and research centre must be put in place," he stressed.
It is challenging to save the lives of public and conserve environment before the adverse effects of radiation, he cautioned, urging for the safe use.
At the programme, ministry secretary Sanjay Sharma said time has come to forward the atomic radiation as the national project. Joint secretary Surendra Subedi however said human resources must be prepared for this sector.
Tribhuvan University professor Dr Raju Khanal also pointed out the need of organizing nuclear workshop for the student of physics and chemistry stream.
Specialist doctor at Bir Hospital, Anu Bhattarai, shared information that non-communicable disease were in the front to take lives.
Chief of Physics Department at Tri-Chandra Campus, Ishwor Prasad Koirala, complained that administrative hassles were behind the inability to import necessary instrument.