Wardwise Population and Households
As per 2011 population census, Sotang Rural Municipality had total 9,530 population with 4,700 males and 4,830 females. Out of total wards, ward number 5 had the largest population 2,645, while ward number 2 had least number of population with 2,645.
With respect to number of households, Sotang Rural Municipality had total 2,048 households. The ward number 5 had most households with total 608, while ward number 2 had least number of households with total 207 number of households.
As illustrated in the chart, the ratio of male to female population was 0.97, which indicates that Sotang Rural Municipality had 3 percent lower males as compared to the females. Same as, the population to household ratio was 4.65, which means that in average 4.65 family members lived in each household.
Absentee Population

As illustrated in the charts, the ratio of absentee population was 23.19, while male to female absentee population ratio was 13.59. Same as, the household ratio of present vs. absent population was 5.38.
Population by Age Group

Gender wise, top 5 most age groups male population were between 5 and 9 (723), between 10 and 14 (682), between 15 and 19 (562), below 4 (498), and between 20 and 24 (306), with total population of 2,771. In contrast, bottom 5 least age group male population were between 70 and 74 (61), above 75 (88), between 65 and 69 (110),between 60 and 64 (138), and between 55 and 59 (176), with total population of 573. With regards to female population, top 5 age groups females were between 10 and 14 (652), between 5 and 9 (649), between 15 and 19 (563), below 4 (495), and between 20 and 24 (370), with total population of 2,729. In contrast, bottom 5 least age group male population were between 70 and 74 (65), between 65 and 69 (91), above 75 (97),between 60 and 64 (145), and between 55 and 59 (147), with total population of 545.
The population with age-group 65 to 69 had male to female ratio of 1.21, which states that this age group had maximum males as compared to females. Similarly, age-group 25 to 29 had most female population as compared to male population with male to female ratio of 0.72. The age-groups 65 to 69, 55 to 59, 5 to 9, 10 to 14, 45 to 49, 50 to 54, below 4 had majority of male population while age-groups 60 to 64, 70 to 74, 40 to 44, above 75, 35 to 39, 20 to 24, 30 to 34, 25 to 29 had majority of female population as per male-female ratios. Moreover, age-groups 15 to 19 had eqivalent or almost equal numbers of male and female population with male-female ratios of 1.
The population pyramid for Sotang Rural Municipality visually illustrates the male vs. female population based on different age groups. The population data and ratio tables are also available in this link.
Population Ratios

There were 55.81 % (5,319 ) of independent population, the working age people between ages of 15 and 64 years. The dependent children, ages below 15 years, were 38.81 % with total number of 3,699. The dependent elderly population, aged 65 and above were 5.37 % with total number of 512. As such, total dependent population including children and elderly people were 44.19 with total number of 4,211
There were 2,293 women of child-bearing age-group of 15 to 49 years. Same as, the todlers or children of 4 years or below were 993. The ratio of woman of child-bearing age and the number of todlers state that, approximately 433 children were born per 1,000 women. This number is also roughly used as fertility levels when direct measures of births are not available.
Literacy, Education Levels & Schooling

Grade 1-12 Students & Schools

The pie-chart and graphs above further illustrates the students and schools.
Population by Language Spoken
Mostly spoken language in Sotang is Nepali, which is spoken by 3,900 people. The Sotang has people who speak other languages, such as Nachhiring, Tamang, Khaling, Sherpa, Kulung, Maithili, Thulung, etc.

Population by Castes
According to 2011 census conducted by Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Sotang Rural Municipality was inhabitted by mostly the people of Nachhiring caste with total population of 3,019. There were as little as Undefined Others caste with population of as little as 11 in total. People of several other castes who live in Sotang are Chhetri, Tamang, Rai, Sherpa, Kami, Khaling, Kulung, Gharti/Bhujel, Brahmin - Hill, Gurung, Newar, Koiri/Kushwaha, Badi, Dalit Others, Magar, Damai/Dholi, Sanyasi/Dashnami, Thulung, Undefined Others, etc. Only the population of castes with above 1,000 population are illustrated in the table.

Population by Disability

Similarly, there were 22 people who were blind and 58 people were deaf, while 4 people were both blind and deaf. Moreover, 38 persons had reported of having speech problems. Total 23 people had multiple disabilities.
The pie-chart above illustrate the better picture of disabled population along with genderwise ratios.
Household Foundation
With respect to wall of the houses, 1,937 houses were mud bonded, 2 houses were cement bonded, 6 houses were wood planks bonded, 92 houses were bamboo bonded and 0 houses had unbaked bricks on their outer walls.Rest of the houses were reported of having other types of outer wall, while some of them reported nothing of having the outer wall bonding.

There were several types of house roofs reported. Total 1,421 houses were reported of having thatch roofs while 326 houses had galvanized roofs. Similarly, 2 houses had roof of tile, 2 houses had RCC roofs, 242 houses had roof of woods while 0 houses were reported having roof of mud. As per 2011 CBS census, some of the houses had other types of roofs while some didn't report about the roof structure.
With respect to the toilets, 572 out of 2,048 houses didn't report of having a private toilet for their households. Nevertheless, 435 houses were reported of having flush toilet while 1,035 houses reported having ordinary toilets.

With reference to source of fuel, 2,035 households reported their source of fuel as firewood while 7 households had kerosene as their fuel source. The LP gas was used by 0 households as a source of fuel. Moreover, other sources of fuel were cow dung (0), bio-gas (0), fuel electricity (0), etc.
Same as, total 872 households had reported of having electricity as the source of their household's lighting. The households still using kerosene as source of light were 393, while 386 households used solar energy as source of lights. Total 0 households also reported of using bio-gas as a source of light. The ratio of use of electricity as compared to other source of light was 0.43.

Economic Census

(Desclaimer: The statistical data published about Sotang Rural Municipality profile in this page are exclusively obtained from Nepal Government's Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) as well as other verifiable Nepal Government sources. The profile of Sotang Rural Municipality has been published for information and research only, which can be relied based on its primary source. Nevertheless, NepalArchives.Com does not provide any guaranty of the validity of the stastical information in this page. Any question about the statistical validity of information should be directed to Nepal Government Agency. However, if you found any error or inconsistency of information in this page, please kindly let us know so that we will improve this page. Thank you.)